The "Pingtung County Food and Agricultural Education Promotion Plan" was launched in 2019. Building on the foundation of the first four-year plan (2019-2022), it has now entered its second phase (2023-2025). The Education Department and schools have joined forces to form a promotion team, aiming to drive the steady and diverse development of food and agricultural education in Pingtung County through this three-year plan. The promotion goals for Pingtung County's food and agricultural education include developing local characteristic modules, teaching, and activities, and building a tripartite support system for "individuals, community, and environment." Combined with the global concern of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the rich products and culture of mountains, seas, plains and peninsulas are used as the connotation of learning. Starting locally, it connects with international trends to foster students' identification with their hometown industry and a sense of mission towards environmental sustainability.
# | 職掌 | 單位 | 職稱 | 姓名 | 備註 |
- 從學校基礎教育做起,由學校所在教育議題開始扎根,有效認識、培養各類低碳飲食與均衡飲食之正確認知及概念。
- 持續多元發展屏東縣在地食農教育教材,推動各校在地化食農教育教學課程設計及實施,提升親師生食農教育相關食品安全及正確飲食知能。
- 提升校園校長、主任及教師之食農教育專業知能,並能落實於校園與社區教學與生活之中,增進校園提升辦理食農教育推動執行能力。
- 透過學校食農教育特色活動,辦理食農教育實體策展宣導,與外部團體共同合作有效行銷本縣在地農特產品,創造校園結合在地農業與農村之永續共榮發展,符應地方創生實踐。
- 透過學校食農教育體驗活動及藝文競賽辦理,增進學生、教師與家長的參與,提升親師生相關知能,奠定食農教育扎根基礎。
- 整合全縣中小學校園推動食農教育特色成果,結合多媒體行銷方式,多元展現本縣食農教育發展特色及推廣成效。